Walmart Retail In-Store Activation Program

After partnering with Phun for All for other successful in-store demo programs at Ralph’s and Smart & Final, Mike’s Hard Lemonade requested our support for an activation program in various Walmart locations. The goal was to increase brand awareness and encourage sales for Mike’s products and White Claw hard seltzers, a Mike’s subsidiary.
Our trained team of brand ambassadors were given specific instructions, as well as detailed product and background information in preparation for this round of demos.
Phun for All coordinated the shipment and distribution of branded t-shirts and POS items, such as rebate coupons, headphones and sunglasses, to brand ambassadors prior to their activations.
During the summer program, a total of 13 demos were executed in Walmart locations across Southern California. Current inventory levels and check-ins were accounted for and communicated with a Phun for All brand ambassador upon arrival.
Brand ambassadors leveraged the intrigue of the coupons and giveaways to attract consumers, providing detailed product knowledge and engaging in positive interactions and conversations.

Over the course of the 13 four-hour activations, over 800 consumers were engaged. A total of 210 SKU’s were sold, including a variety of Mike’s Hard Lemonade and White Claw Hard Seltzer variety and six-packs.
The Walmart promotion program provided a great way to highlight the promotional rebate coupon incentive and push both sales and awareness for Mike’s and White Claw.